
The Versatile Blogger Award.


First of, thank you to one of the few bloggers I consider a great freind, for the support and for the nomination. Thank you Alissa! Check out her blog at Story Behind The Cloth for amazing tips on how to choose the perfect style and color under Fashion Psychology. Amazing information you got there girlie! Keep up the great work! You can also read her Versatile Blogger Award post here.

The Award is given to bloggers by bloggers to recognize the hard work, so I truly appreciate a lot the recognition. I love this kind of awards because we get to know more about our blogger friends plus its fun to write. 😊

The rules to accept this award are simple:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link their blog. There are millions of blogs out there, and somebody chose yours!
  2. Nominate 15 bloggers to keep on spreading the appreciation.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.


  1. I love music 🎶 and dancing 💃 I really wanted to become a professional dancer badly but things happen.
  2. I like reading any kind of book that will help me grow in any kind of way. Check out and friend me on Goodreads to see the book list I have.
  3. My favorite place is at the beach 🏖 I’m lucky to live only a few hours away from it.
  4. I like plants 🌱 I actually drew a plan of how I want my garden. But my favorite plants are the exotic plants.
  5. I’m the oldest of 6  but I look and act younger. 😉
  6. If I don’t feel comfortable around someone I act totally opposite of how I really am.
  7. I love playing volleyball 🏐

There it is my facts, been in my life for as long as I can remember except for plants those came in about five years ago. I hope you guys enjoyed reading my post and learning something new from me and if you find any similarities please let me know on the comments I would love to hear from y’all.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post. Love you guys! The blogging community is the best… now time for my nominees.

My Nominees:


I Can’t wait to read your posts.

x💋x💋 -Lia


Sunshine Blogger Award Nominee 


I am truely honored for being nominated on the Sunshine Blogger Award by the lovely Victoria.  She is a Blogger whith lots of varied content and some great and honest beauty product reviews, super creative and interesting! Check out her Q&A and give her a follow don’t forget to show some love 😍


1. What made you decide to start blogging?

A1: Honestly! I ‘had’ no idea why I  decided to start blogging, not until just a few days ago I was writing down my bio for my Beauty Insider profile on the Sephora app and it clicked to me. The reason is because during the transition unto changing my persona I started thinking, acting, and liking the opposite of what I used to, with that, I too changed the way I used to speak and dress. Now I love the person I’ve become, still working on becoming better though. But I want this for my daughters and the future generations. I want to bring back that Respectful, Classy and Elegant style. I know I might not make a big difference but I might get that little spark going. (I found my nitch!)

2. What’s one of your favorite childhood memories?

A2: My favorite childhood memory is when my brother and I used to jump in-to bed with my parents every morning during our winter vacations and we would spend all day watching movies. Oh how much I miss that.

3. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be and what would you name it? 

A3: Oh, this one is easy! I would love to have a flying squirrel they are so cute and I think they don’t stink (lol). As for a name that one is a bit complicated for me because I’m not good with names so I would leave it up for my daughters to decide.

4. What is your dream holiday destination? 

A4: I would say England but I don’t like cold. I would love to see how it looks during the holidays and feel the atmosphere with all the holiday vibes. I get excited just thinking about it.

5. Which language would you really love to learn?

A5: Ay! Thinking about the answer to this question reminds me how much I’ve been slacking off on my French learning lessons. I only finished my basics which now I only remember maybe like 10-15 words and out of those 10-15 I only know how to spell maybe like five words. I use an app called Duolingo it’s pretty good and simple to use. Shows you how to pronounce and spell the words also how to use the words in a sentence, afterwards it tests you and let you know where you need more improvement. Oh by the way it has a variety of languages to choose from. If you give it a try please do come back and let me know!

6. There’s a Zombie Apocalypse! Do you think you’d survive?

A6: Are they slow and dumb Zombies or the fast and smart Zombies? Aaah see Victoria you didn’t think I would get you back on this one lol. Either or as long as I stay next to my husband 24/7 I do think I would survive.

7. What’s your favorite thing about blogging? 

A7: My favorite thing about blogging is of course meeting new people learning new stories and specially the love and support the blogging community has. 💕

8. What’s number one on your bucket list?

A8: Get to the top. That’s my number one on my bucket list. But don’t get me wrong… I want to get to my kinda top not the kinda top that society portrays for us.

9. Do you see yourself still blogging in five or ten years?

A9: I’m a spontaneous kinda person who lives by the moment so if something else comes along I probably won’t be blogging. But who knows I love and enjoy doing this so for now you’ll be seeing me around.

10. What’s your go-to movie/TV series/book/song when you need a pick-me-up? 

A10: Book, it’s definitely a book; The Rose That Grew From Concrete is a collection of poetry written by Tupac Shakur. It has been my go-to ever since my teen years.

11. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

A11: If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be in the country side of Texas, England, or Italy.

My Nominees for this award:


Questions for the nominees:

  1. Why did you start a blog?
  2. Who is your favorite Blogger?
  3. Who is your motivator?
  4. When writing a post, do you write it down on paper then type it once it’s been edited and ready or you just type and edit?
  5. I love reading self-help books, do you have some favorites of your own?
  6. Who is your favorite author?
  7. About cosmetics, what is your favorite brand and why?
  8. What stores do you tend to find better offers/sales on makeup products?
  9. Who is your favorite YouTube guru? (Live a link for us)
  10. What is your favorite food and drink?
  11. What is your favorite restaurant to dine-in?



  1. Write a blog post thanking the person who nominated you – tag and link them.
  2. Answer the 11 questions you were given.
  3. Nominate blogs who you think deserve the award – make sure you let them know!
  4. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Have fun & get creative!



Thanks again for nominating me, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and am looking forward to reading your answers. Answering Victoria’s questions and coming up with my own was so fun to do.

*I encourage for those of you that where not nominated to feel free and answer some of this questions or if you have a question of your own for me or one of my nominees just do so on my comments so we can get to learn more about you too? Thank you all for stopping by!

x💋x💋 -(ASG)Lia